Four Important Things To Do After A Termite Infestation

Termites, although relatively harmless to humans, are wood-eating animals, and the amount of wood that just one colony will devour in one week will easily exceed 1 pound. Though it may not seem like much, if left to their own devices, these harmful intruders will damage the various structural components inside a home and cause thousands of dollars in damage in as little as a few weeks. Fortunately, a company that provides termite control will create a custom treatment plan that will eradicate a current infestation and keep them from coming back for more.

Inspect Drainage Systems

One of the first lines of defense in termite and ant control is to eliminate excess moisture around the foundation of a home. It is critical to ensure any gutters are clear and functioning correctly, and that any underground drains are free of clogs. Termites are attracted to water, in addition to wood, and a dry home will help prevent them from wanting to invade.

Foundation Repairs

Though a termite will enter through any crack or hole in the foundation of a home, they are ground dwelling creatures and will likely first come inside through a break in the foundation. Examine the concrete base and look for any significant cracks. Repairing them with a sealant material will help stave off future swarms and keep a home protected.

Cut Back Vegetation

Few things give the exterior of a home a manicured look like shrubs and flowers, but a homeowner should be cautious in placing them too close to the foundation. Not only does this make the interior of a home more accessible to termites, but it prevents proper airflow into basements and crawlspaces. Most pest control professionals recommend placing any vegetation at least 3 feet away from the structural elements of a house.

Professional Treatment

Though there are several things that a person should do to help prevent future problems, actual treatment should only be conducted by a trained professional. Most will thoroughly inspect a home for damage and make a recommendation on any structural elements that may require repair. They will also use a variety of treatment methods, including perimeter sprays and bait products to help draw these pests from a structure and kill them before they have a chance to attack again.
